Posts filed under Blog

Get a free e-copy of THE DOG IN THE WOOD

Front Street, founded by Stephen Roxburgh and now part of Boyds Mills Press, offers free e-copies of four debut novels. The novels are ACCORDING TO KIT by Eugenie Doyle (2ce4), CITY OF CANNIBALS by Ricki Thompson (d35f), THE DOG IN THE WOOD by Monika Schröder (3bd5), and WARRIORS IN THE CROSSFIRE by Nancy Bo Flood (2ac4).

To get your free electronic copies, go to and locate the book by title or author by browsing or use the “search” option. When you get to the book page, enter the unique code provided for each book (shown in parentheses above) in the box in the lower-left corner of the page (under the list of prices) and click “submit.” You will be asked to provide your name and e-mail address and to select the file format you want. You will receive an e-mail with a link that will download the file you selected to your hard drive, from where you can transfer it to your preferred reading device.

The code will allow you to download one file format per title. If you need a file format that is not provided, write directly to Stephen ( and he’ll provide it.

Posted on February 18, 2010 and filed under Blog.